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Privacy Policy




This policy establishes how we handle the information we collect about you when you visit our site.

This site is the property of NABILA & SOEURS company domiciled in street Bixio 3 75007 PARIS, France. We attach great importance to respect for privacy and personal data of our users.

We also attach great importance to protecting your privacy and your personal data in the way we create, organize and implement our online and offline activities. To maintain maximum protection with regard to personal data that we process, our website and administering the entity will comply with the principles identified in:

  • The recommendation of the OECD Council concerning guidelines governing the protection of privacy and transborder flows of personal data (C (80) 58 / FINAL).
  • The European directive 95/46/ EC on the protection of personal data The Act French 78-17 modified by Law 2004-801 of 06/08/2004 (called Data Protection Act) and its implementing regulations. Collection and use of data provided voluntarily.

It is not essential to register on our website. You can read it even if you do not want to register or provide personal information, but in this case you will not receive our newsletters by email The specific practices described in this policy statement of the privacy concerns the above mentioned website. External links to other organs / entities linked (s) to NABILA & SOEURS may be present on our website, for editorial, partnership, advertising. We draw your attention to the fact that we are not responsible for the policy of privacy and the content of external sites.

Identity and responsible for processing your personal data

Some services require you use the collection and conservation of a number of elements automatically recognized. The collection of data is done using cookies to improve our services, and can also be used for the production of statistics. A cookie is a piece of data sent to your browser from a web site that is saved on your hard drive.

NABILA & SOEURS is liscensed by L'ODAÏTÈS®

Data collected on the site


Some services require you use the collection and conservation of a number of elements automatically recognized. The collection of data is done using cookies to improve our services, and can also be used for the production of statistics. A cookie is a piece of data sent to your browser from a web site that is saved on your hard drive. This information, which can be used and analyzed only at an aggregate level to help us understand trends and patters. They are never treated individually. If you do not want the information related to your visit to be used in this way, you can either disable your cookies or interrupt the registration at the request. The information of the personal data collected in the context of the distance selling is obligatory, this is necessary for the processing and the delivery of the orders as well as for the preparation of the invoices. This information is strictly confidential. The lack of intelligence implies the automatic rejection of the order.

Data collected on the site

Certain categories requested when registering:

For a natural person:

  • Civility
  • Last name
  • First name
  • E-mail
  • Date of Birth
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • IP address (es)

For a company :

  • Company Name
  • Company address
  • Company website
  • Company phone number
  • Company contact email address


Legal bases and purposes of collection and processing

NABILA & SOEURS uses personal information to include:

  • validate purchase orders for goods and / or vouchers;
  • to provide a copy of the newsletter;
  • maintain, update and ensure the service account with the User has at NABILA & SOEURS;
  • maintain, administer and improve systems;
  • improving the website, including modifying it according to the use, history and preferences;
  • And Users make available information about products, shops launches, events or other information.

Shelf life

The recipients of personal information is authorized employees of marketing departments, commercial, technical or computer NABILA & SOEURS, or any entity under the company NABILA & SOEURS and, when necessary, employees of our legal teams and our direction.

These data are also likely to be communicated to our subcontractors and partners in the processing of your order.

Data shared with our subcontractors and partners

The recipients of the personal information collected are authorized employees of the marketing, sales, technical or IT departments of NABILA & SOEURS, or of any entity reporting to NABILA & SOEURS, as well as, when necessary, the employees of our legal teams and our direction.

The recipients of the personal information collected are the authorized employees of the marketing, commercial, technical or computer departments of NABILA & SOEURS, or of any entity belonging to the company NABILA & SOEURS, as well as, when employees of our legal teams and our management.

This data is also likely to be communicated to our subcontractors and partners, as part of the processing of your order and the management of our communication actions.

The personal data provided on the site are hosted by Shopify Inc. – 126 York St. Ottawa, ONTARIO K1N 5T5 Canada. The level of personal data protection in Canada was considered adequate or equivalent at the intra-Community level by decision of the European Commission n ° 2002/2/EC of 20 December 2001.

NABILA & SOEURS does not collect your payment data, but only the last 4 digits of the card that was used for payment. Complete financial information about you is collected and processed by payment service providers.

The personal data collected may, depending on your actions on our site, be also stored, managed and used by third-party tools, necessary for the proper functioning of our activities:

  • Shopify: Our e-commerce solution that hosts our website (see privacy policy).
  • MailChimp: MailChimp is the email marketing and transactional tool that we use, because in perfect compliance with the RGPD, in accordance with the privacy and security policy of the Publisher of this tool, which is searcheable in click here.
  • Yotpo: this tool allows our customers to post comments about our products. Yotpo's privacy policy can be consulted in click here.
  • Privy: this tool allows us to send a letter of information about our products and our beauty recommendations to our registered database. Privy's privacy policy can be consulted in click here.
  • Tidio: this tool allows you to chat directly with site visitors to answer their questions instantly. Grace's privacy policy can be consulted in click here.
  • ReferralCandy: this tool is used to manage the sponsorship program of our clients. ReferralCandy's privacy policy can be consulted in click here.

Finally, some data collected is likely to be exchanged with social platforms and networks in case of use of social buttons. We invite you to consult their own personal data protection policies:




In some cases, NABILA & SOEURS may be prompted to use cookies, as well as the tracking code of certain tools.

Some of the services you use require the collection and retention of a number of automatically recognized items. The collection of these data is done by means of cookies, intended to improve our services, and can also be used for the compilation of statistics. A cookie is a data item sent to your browser from a website and is stored on your hard drive.

This information, which can only be used and analyzed in aggregate form, serves to better understand certain trends and usage patterns. They are never treated individually.

Note that a cookie also called a "tracer" or "connection indicator" is the equivalent of a small text file stored on the user's Terminal and containing information about its Internet browsing: pages consulted, date and time of consultation, preferences regarding the settings of the sites visited, recognition of its presence on social networks through sharing buttons, etc.

In this case, the user will be informed by a pop-up message/window, from its first browsing, that the website uses cookies. And this:

  • to offer him information tailored to his interests,
  • to suggest targeted advertisements related to the training organization,
  • as well as to measure the audience of the site.

NABILA & SOEURS undertakes that these cookies do not allow the personal identification of the user, nor any use of his personal data by third parties.

The shelf life of these "cookies" in the user's computer may not exceed one month. The user's consent to the use of cookies by the website is valid for a maximum of 13 months, in accordance with article 32-II of the law of 6 January 1978, as amended by Ordinance No. 2011-1012 of 24 August 2011, the user shall, time, re-affirm or not its consent.

The user may, if he wishes, oppose the setting up of cookies. To do this, the latter can

  • refuse the use of cookies when it first connects to the site by clicking on the banner provided for this purpose, in which case we will no longer be able to offer it all the functionalities of our site,
  • or to make it inaccessible Parts configure its Internet browser via the appropriate settings (disabling cookies, choosing a private secure browsing, setting up a "high confidentiality", etc.).

Cookies Google Analytics and Facebook Social Plugin are present on our site; they serve in particular to save the password for the visitor so that it does not have to re-enter each new visit. These cookies may include the following information:

  • IP address

Certain categories requested when registering: Name, Email Address, Date of birth...

  • If the user has checked the "remember the username and password ', both are coded and added to the" cookie ".
  • If a user registered in one of our private spaces returns to the site without identifying the elements listed in the "cookie" allow to recognize (unless it has manually deleted the cookies, in which case the server will generate automatically a new cookie).

Here is a list of some other cookies we use:

  • Session_id (single token sessional) allows Shopify store information about your session (referring, aterrissage page etc.)
  • Shopify visit, no recorded data, persists for 30 minutes after your last visit. Used to record the number of visits.
  • Shopify_uniq, no recorded data, expires at midnight (local time visitor) the next day. Count the visit of a single consumer in an e-shop.
  • Cart, single token, persists for two weeks. Records information about the contents of your cart.
  • Secure session id, unique token sessional
  • Storefront digest, unique token unlimited. Determines whether the user has access to the secure section of the site with their password. We inform you that you can oppose the recording of "cookies" by configuring your browser. To know how to proceed depending on the browser you are using, please see the help of it.

If you want to disable Google Analytics:


The website will provide you with the technical explanations necessary to disable cookies.

The help topics in your browser will also help you know how to disable cookies. Here are the links of the most common browser help topics:

Google chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Internet explorer


Data protection for minors

The use of our website is reserved for adults. All data collection can be performed from minors must be information of parental authority, which has the capacity to oppose any processing on the data.

However, any major holder of parental authority, under its responsibility, to propose the use of our site and services associated with a minor child.

Responsibility for NABILA AND SISTERS company can not be held liable collection unwittingly personal data from a minor without consent of the holder of parental authority.

The right of opposition by the proprietor of parental authority can usefully be applicable.

Your rights

The initial consent given by you to NABILA & SOEURS for data collection and processing may be revoked at any time.

We collect the personal data, if provided voluntarily when you use our services. You can choose to create a private space on our website to receive promotional or marketing information from us or our partners by selecting the desired options at the time of registration.

If you do not wish to receive promotional information from us and newsletter, please tick the "I do not wish to receive promotional information from l'ODAITES". You can also let us know using the email address mentioned in the "imprint" or using the unsubscribe link provided at the bottom of each newsletter (opt-out).

In this case, NABILA & SOEURS undertakes to send you only the e-mails necessary for the correct processing of your request (e-mails of double opt-in to confirm your email address, etc.).

In accordance with the RGPD and the law "Informatique et Libertés" of 6 January 1978 amended in 2018, you benefit from a right of opposition, access, rectification, deletion, limitation and portability of personal data collected about you.

Regarding the rights of correction and deletion, the preconditions are identical to those on the right of access:

  • Before you send personal data, we will ask you to provide proof of your identity.
  • If you are not able to prove your identity, we reserve the right to refuse to send you personal data.

For questions about our privacy policy, contact us thank you letter or email to:

NABILA & SOEURS, SARL, 3 rue Bixio 75007 Paris France

We strive to respond to these requests in a reasonable time.


Changes to the Privacy Policy

The creation of new services on our website may necessitate changes to this declaration of data protection policy.

In this case, we will record these changes in this section. We also declare to the CNIL these changes if they require it.