3 things you should know about naturally hydrating your skin
The real goal when hydrating the skin is to limit the loss of water as much as possible. One should know that the skin naturally losses water throughout the day, a process which is defined as transepidermic loss, and is an entirely normal occurrence.
This has nothing to do, however, with transpiration, which is a crucial and natural process that allows for the regulation and maintenance of the equilibrium of the hydration rate for the skin; this balance is most optimal at a 13% rate. However, this rate decreases with age. Its important to understand that when this rate falls below 12% in the stratum corneum, the skins develops cutaneous reactions and / or allergies that manifest themselves through redness, eczema, dermatitis, etc...
So, in order to hydrate the skin, It’s necessary to accomplish the following steps:
First of all, focus on preserving the hydrolipid film, which acts as the first line of defense for the stratum corneum. The balance of the composition plays an important role in maintaining its hydration, which primarily insures its buffering capacity in the cutaneous pH zone. Thus, it is crucial to choose a face cleanser or purifier which does not alter this fragile balance and which eliminates all overly aggressive cosmetic products. Through our make-up removing cleanser, Pure Merveille, your skin will be pampered and cared for.
The next step focuses on consolidating the intercellular cement. Basically, the lipids around the cells form a kind of “fatty / oily mortar“ which keeps the cellular adhesions together, enabling the cells to better adhere to one another and thus solidify the cuntaneous This essentially creates a barrier effect to the loss of water. Unfortunately, as the cement ages, it starts to crack, and, mainly composed of essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6), becomes more and more fragile, while losing its waterproof abilities at the same time. This is where our repairing serum, Elixir Bonheur, comes in: optimized for providing skincare that is rich in essential fatty acids, it reconsolidates water loss and provides the skin with the ability to renew itself.
Its also important to that the intercellular cement is also composed of the well-known substance hyaluronic acid, which acts as a type of natural sponge, as it is able to absorb 500 times its weight in water! At 30, a person will have already lost 30% of the hyaluronic acid content, and after 40 years of age, it is reduced down to 50%! Taking this into account, go for creams that contain hyaluronic acid as soon as you reach 30. With our Ange Sensationnel, we provide a daily ally that will fight against this loss and give you the care your skin craves.
And finally, we have to give attention to reinforcing the hygroscopic power of our skin, which basically means it’s ability to absorb water and preserve the interior mechanisms of the cell. Through this reinforcing process, maintaining the inner integrity of the cell membrane, the more our cells will be able to retain water within.
With this advice in mind, there is one more important piece of council to give, since all these points cannot work best without being used together. Thus we cannot express enough how important it is to drink at least 1.5 liters a day, which will give your skin that extra elasticity it needs to truly be its most luminous!